Chemical on pleurotusostreatus



powder wood, seeds, medicine, place, pleurotusostreatus


Oyster mushroom (Pleurotusostreatus) is a fungus that is much-loved by the people. In addition to deliciousness, oyster mushrooms are also very beneficial for health. High nutritional content with a variety of essential amino acids contained therein, oyster mushrooms also contain other compounds that are important for the medical aspects. The more days of oyster mushrooms increasingly interested in the community, this is apparently a result of the impact of increasing public awareness of the benefits and nutritional value of oyster mushrooms. In nature, Oyster mushroom grows only in certain seasons in limited quantities so that the oyster mushroom has good prospects to be cultivated. Mushrooms Lampung is a business that is engaged in the cultivation of oyster mushrooms. The oyster mushroom is grown on the media can be sawdust packed in plastic bags. In the oyster mushroom cultivation activities include preparation of tools and materials, raw material preparation, mixing media, composting, pasteurization, inoculation, incubation, growth and maintenance, harvesting, post-harvest, and marketing. The pasteurization process using oyster mushrooms media banker and a vessel of water.


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How to Cite

Surya, I. P. A. K. (2019). Chemical on pleurotusostreatus. International Journal of Chemical & Material Sciences, 2(1), 8-13.