Solutions for mathematics language of elementary students



elementary students, language conversion, mathematical language, mathematical operations, primary school


Mathematical language is a form of communication during the process of teaching and researching the major. Developing mathematical language for primary school students is an essential mission as an initial impetus to help learners get acquainted with the subject. The study objective focuses on evaluating the effectiveness of the proposed measure of mathematical language development for primary school included in  the research content. The research methodology is based on the research conducted from September 6, 2018 to October 25, 2018 at Thach Khoi Primary School, Hai Duong city, which consists of 75 students in the experimental group and 80 students in the control group. The research used several questionnaires, tests, and in-depth interviews. Finally, the result showed that the proposed measures have created a deeper understanding of mathematics, more confidence, autonomy in learning for students and developing ability in overcoming psychological obstacles such as shyness, apprehension. In this way, learners can orientate logic coherently, clear expression, and have a long-term memory of mathematical knowledge. Meanwhile, for the students in the control group, there was no significant change in math language, and learning results were not upgraded.


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How to Cite

Hoach, V. T. (2021). Solutions for mathematics language of elementary students. International Journal of Humanities, Literature & Arts, 4(1), 43-49.