Albubo festival as a tool to enhance community engagement of Buguias, Benguet residents


  • Jenalyn P. Oligo Benguet State University, Benguet, Philippines
  • Jaicelle P. Smith Benguet State University, Benguet, Philippines
  • Joseph B. Quinto Benguet State University, Benguet, Philippines


Albubo festival, Buguias residents, community engagement, cultural festival, enhance effective


Researchers that have examined the contribution of the Albubo Festival to local development have focused more on its economic impact. Consequently, this study aimed to examine the participation of the residents as well as the effectiveness of the festival itself. The results showed that passive participation (level 2) is the most prevalent. It implies that the residents are interested in having joint effort with the Local Government Unit (LGU) and with the organizers of the cultural festival. The tools to enhance effective community engagement in Albubo Festival were informing decisions, building capacity, and strengthening relationships. The results also revealed that there is an insignificant relationship between the level of participation of Buguias residents on the Albubo Festival and its effectiveness in community engagement. It implies that the level of participation of the residents does not influence the level of effectiveness of the Albubo Festival in community engagement or vice versa. Thus, passive participation, functional participation, participation by consultation, and empowered participation are not related to the effectiveness of the activities such as cultural presentations, Ukob, agricultural trade fair, agri-booth competition, and inter-barangay sports competition held during the celebration.


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How to Cite

Oligo, J. P., Smith, J. P., & Quinto, J. B. (2022). Albubo festival as a tool to enhance community engagement of Buguias, Benguet residents. International Journal of Humanities, Literature & Arts, 5(1), 11-23.