Acculturation of culture between the Sasak ethnic and Balinese ethnic in the art of Gendang Beleq in Lombok



art creativity, Bali ethnic, cultural acculturation, gendang beleq, Sasak ethnic


This study aims to conduct a study of cultural acculturation in the art of Gendang Beleq as a result of the traditional art music collaboration between Balinese ethnic and Sasak ethnic in Lombok. This research was designed in the type of qualitative research using a case study model. The results of this study obtained three important findings. First, the form of cultural acculturation in the art of Gendang Beleq is a combination of two elements of musical arts, namely Balinese art and Sasak art. In its development, the art of Gendang Beleq was influenced by Balinese music which began with cultural acculturation between Balinese ethnic and Sasakethnic in Lombok. This influence can be seen in the form of composition, as well as musical elements of Balinese karawitan which are processed or worked on into the Gendang Beleq art, making this art very attractive. The factors that cause the acculturation of Balinese audio musical in the Gendang Beleq art because of the emergence of the idea of ??combining two musical art identities can produce added value to cultural arts work of artistic creativity.


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How to Cite

Supartha , K. . (2020). Acculturation of culture between the Sasak ethnic and Balinese ethnic in the art of Gendang Beleq in Lombok. International Journal of Humanities, Literature & Arts, 3(1), 61-69.