Increasing legal awareness for national defense through socialization on social networking applications in Indonesia



legal awareness, national defense, participation, social media


The primary purpose of this study is to increase legal awareness of national defense efforts through socializing activities on social network media in Indonesia. Our data is obtained from various publication sources in books, magazines, articles, and other websites. Furthermore, we analyzed the data using a phenomenological approach to get many conclusions to get valid findings to answer the problem. Based on the analysis and discussion of the data, we can report that efforts to increase legal awareness for the Indonesian generation to increase national resilience through activities on social media are by providing awareness, understanding, and transparent legal sanctions on how activity on social media is not against the law either individuals or groups and any parties so that later it reflects a community of young Indonesians who are aware of the law and eventually become a national power. We hope that these findings will serve as a reference for future studies.


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How to Cite

Riyanti, R. (2022). Increasing legal awareness for national defense through socialization on social networking applications in Indonesia. International Journal of Humanities, Literature & Arts, 5(1), 29-38.