Technology transfer method of Tantri Darmaswami dance theater as a virtual work


  • I Ketut Suteja Dance Program Study, Faculty of Performing Arts, Indonesian Institute of the arts Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia
  • I Gede Mawan Performing Arts Education Program Study, Faculty of Performing Arts, Indonesian Institute of the arts Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia


COVID-19 pandemic, dance theatre, method, technology transfer, virtual works


The COVID-19 pandemic has become a scourge for performing arts activists. The impact narrows the movement of art life, both formal and non-formal. Creative people try to be creative in finding breakthroughs to overcome this stagnation. This cannot be done unilaterally, it needs cooperation with the Business World and the Industrial World (DUDI) to communicate the results of the work. Solving problem, through the Diktiristek Matching Fund Program, the Faculty of Performing Arts (FSP) of the Indonesian Arts Institute (ISI) Denpasar in collaboration with PT. Bali Ranadha Television, created the work of Darmaswami Tantri Dance Theatre, which combines elements of tantri dance theater with cinematographic techniques into a virtual masterpiece. Using the technology transfer method is the transfer of the ability to utilize, master science, and technology. The goal is to increase art knowledge, produce quality creations, continue artistic work, and can be enjoyed by the public through virtual communication


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How to Cite

Suteja, I. K., & Mawan, I. G. (2022). Technology transfer method of Tantri Darmaswami dance theater as a virtual work. International Journal of Humanities, Literature & Arts, 5(1), 44-59.