Fish cultivation counseling through digital fisheries applications to coastal communities in Indonesia



coastal communities, digital fisheries applications, fish cultivation counseling


Efforts to equalize opportunities through digital application technology benefit not only the creators of the technology but also other parties. We have virtually searched data from several sources to prove and align this discussion. We analyzed it in the phenomenological approach chapter, which involves, among other things, a data coding system, a thorough evaluation of in-depth interpretation, and concluding so that this study can obtain valid and reliable findings. Based on the findings and discussions validated by scientific evidence, fisheries extension consultation through the assistance of digital fisheries applications in coastal communities in Indonesia is a breakthrough carried out by the government supported by the private sector and the participation of fishing communities. These findings will provide new insight into increasing the scientific repertoire of fisheries and technology studies. Therefore, it will be helpful for academics, industry, and the wider community.


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How to Cite

Tarno, S. (2023). Fish cultivation counseling through digital fisheries applications to coastal communities in Indonesia. International Journal of Humanities, Literature & Arts, 6(1), 11-19.