Excellent human resource management in business practices: achieving sustainable




excellent HR, management, business activities, business profit, sustainability


This business study examines experts' and academics' opinions on managing human resources (HR) in business activities to obtain sustainable benefits. Listening to experts' opinion that business activities will bring huge sustainable benefits if each company or organization empowers excellent human resources when they want to get profit and sustainability in the future and other benefits. To prove the experts' opinions, we have conducted a series of data collection consisting of literature searches, observations, and documentation to prove these assumptions. Furthermore, the data were analyzed by defining research questions, collecting answers by sharpening correlations and comparisons between questions and answers or findings. Finally, we interpret in-depth whether the findings are valid and reliable – we do this with a phenomenological design approach. Based on the data and analysis results above, it can be concluded that empowering superior human resources in the company's program will undoubtedly achieve sustainable benefits because managing HR in the company will significantly affect the profitably sustainable outcome. Therefore, this study's outcomes will help academics and policymakers design new companies and educational HR management.


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How to Cite

Sudarmo, S. (2020). Excellent human resource management in business practices: achieving sustainable. International Journal of Humanities, Literature & Arts, 3(1), 93-98. https://doi.org/10.31295/ijhla.v3n1.280