The relationship of pregnancy massage to the rate of anxiety depression and stress in pregnant women


  • Luh Komang Suwarma Santi Universitas Udayana, Denpasar, Indonesia
  • A. A. Raka Sudewi Universitas Udayana, Denpasar, Indonesia
  • Dyah Pradnyaparamita Duarsa Universitas Udayana, Denpasar, Indonesia
  • Cokorda Bagus Jaya Lesmana Universitas Udayana, Denpasar, Indonesia


anxiety, depression, massages therapy, massages, pregnancy massage, pregnant woman, stress


The objective of this systematic review is to compare the methods and results of various studies that provide types of intervention in the form of pregnancy massages with outcomes in the form of levels of anxiety, stress or depression. A total of 463 articles were found through the Proquest database, 535 articles in the Pubmed database, 1,030 articles in the Google Scholar database and 36 articles in Clinicalkey For Nursing Elsevier, which were then screened based on the titles of 61 potential articles. The next stage is an analysis through a review of the abstract which results in 4 articles being reviewed. Research from El-Hosary, Abbas Soliman, & El-Homosy (2016) emphasizes full body massage for pregnant women for 10 massages with a duration of 10-20 minutes which has an impact on decreasing anxiety. Research from Khojasteh, Rezaee, Safarzadeh, & Sahlabadi (2016) emphasized full body massage for pregnant women for 6 massages with a duration of 20 minutes and was able to reduce the average anxiety score. 


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How to Cite

Santi, L. K. S., Sudewi, A. A. R., Duarsa, D. P., & Lesmana, C. B. J. (2021). The relationship of pregnancy massage to the rate of anxiety depression and stress in pregnant women. International Journal of Health & Medical Sciences, 4(2), 208-214.