Childbirth counseling by WhatsApp group to reduce the anxiety of primigravida


  • Atik Sunarmi University of ‘Aisyiyah Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
  • Ekawaty Lutfia Haksari University of Gajah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
  • Enny Fitriahadi University of ‘Aisyiyah Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta, Indonesia


anxiety, education knowledge, pregnant mother, WhatsApp group, woman, worried


Background: the anxiety is an unclear situation having by someone. Someone who has this condition will have unpredictable feeling and feeling helpless. Moreover, someone with anxiety disorder tends to be easy to get emotional due to her mood. This condition occurs due to physical tension as well as their worries about the future they will face. Aims: to review about childbirth counseling by WhatsApp group media to reduce the anxiety of primigravida. Method: the method used is scoping review. Scoping review is used to map the literature and to obtain the information about the research activity relate to the topic researched and identify the problems in research area that will be researched, make a framework by identifying the research question through PEOs and identify the relevant study through Google Scholar, Pubmed and Science Direct, select the study article by Prisma Flow Chart, map the data charting and draw the article search flow, arrange, summary and report the result and discussion by using qualitative method which consist of four (4) articles, use qualitative method consisting five (5) articles, three (3) articles from Indonesia, one (1) article from Brazil, one (1) article from Tabriz Iran, , one (1) article from Oared


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How to Cite

Sunarmi, A., Haksari, E. L., & Fitriahadi, E. (2022). Childbirth counseling by WhatsApp group to reduce the anxiety of primigravida. International Journal of Health & Medical Sciences, 5(3), 193-200.