The corelation of pharmaceutical services with the incidence of side effects of phase III COVID vaccination participants in RS Tingkat II Udayana


  • Iwan Saka Nugraha Department of Clinical and Community Pharmacy STIKES Bali Wisnu Dharma, Indonesia
  • Wahyuni W. Udi Department of Clinical and Community Pharmacy STIKES Bali Wisnu Dharma, Indonesia


COVID-19, Pharmaceutical Services, Side Effects, Vaccination


Background  Presiden Regulation No. 99 of 2020 requires Indonesian citizens to vaccinate against COVID-19 to prevent the transmission and severity of COVID-19. Pharmaceutical services are a tangible manifestation in realizing a comfortable and safe COVID-19 vaccination to reduce the risk of side effects Objective: this study aims to study the relationship of pharmaceutical services to the incidence of side effects of covid-19 vaccination after III at RS Tingkat II Udayana. Method:  The reseach desaign was cross-sectional study which used analytical survey The population in the study was all participants of the COVID-19 vaccine in June at RS Tingkat II Udayana as many as 500 people. The sample in this study used a total sampling technique. Data collection in this study used primary data. Data analysis is carried out univariately and bivariately. Results: Participants in the third phase of vaccination were dominated by Astrazeneca vaccination users 245 people (49%), no history of comorbidities 435 people (87%), vaccination participants had a normal BMI of 310 people (62%),normal glucose level of 490 (98%), and normal tension of 450 people (90%). The results showed that patients were satisfied with pharmaceutical services related to handling side effects of fever, muscle pain and fatigue.


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How to Cite

Nugraha, I. S., & Udi, W. W. (2022). The corelation of pharmaceutical services with the incidence of side effects of phase III COVID vaccination participants in RS Tingkat II Udayana. International Journal of Health & Medical Sciences, 5(4), 260-266.