Lateral inguinal hernia

A case report in a rural area


  • Carolus Eko Sanjaya Timika Regional General Hospital, Timika, Papua, Indonesia


carrying heavy loads, chronic cough, herniorrhaphy, inguinal hernia, remote areas, smoking habits


Inguinal hernia has the most presentation of all hernia cases, which is about 75% of cases. Some risk factors that increase the incidence of inguinal hernia are old age, male, connective tissue abnormalities, and low body mass index. External risk factors consist of smoking, chronic coughing and carrying heavy loads. Inguinal hernias can be identified from the earlier clinical course and given treatment as early as possible. Surgery is the only therapy for an inguinal hernia aimed at removing the peritoneal sac and covering the defects on the fascia in the inguinal wall. Cases of hernia in rural areas may have delayed treatment because of limited facilities and public awareness of its complications. Cases of inguinal hernia that are treated too late can be life-threatening. Some complications can arise. A comprehensive specific approach in patients with an inguinal hernia in rural areas can increase the cure rate for inguinal hernia sufferers.


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How to Cite

Sanjaya, C. E. (2023). Lateral inguinal hernia: A case report in a rural area. International Journal of Health & Medical Sciences, 6(1), 44-46.