Job crafting among rehabilitation center employees


  • Tamar Sekhniashvili Clinical Director of child and adolescent’s rehabilitation center “PUZZLE”i


job crafting, job satisfaction, rehabilitation center, therapist, work engagement


The goal of the present research was to study job crafting among personnel employed at a rehabilitation center in relation to variables such as age, education (bachelor’s degree, master’s degree) and job position (therapist, supervisor). Hypothesis, which states that any employee, regardless their education and position at work, can master job crafting (Tims et al., 2012) was once again supported by the present study. Analysis showed that data of bachelors, masters, managers and professionals (therapists) were not statistically different from each other. Studies (Lichtenthaler & Fishbach, 2019; Rudolph et al., 2017) have demonstrated the associations between job crafting, job satisfaction and work engagement. Therefore, it was interesting to explore these associations among people employed at a rehabilitation center. The findings showed that job crafting significantly predicted engagement.


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How to Cite

Sekhniashvili, T. (2023). Job crafting among rehabilitation center employees. International Journal of Health & Medical Sciences, 6(2), 111-117.