Role of cognitive behavior therapy on people with substance abuse in the craving phase

Case report


  • Anak Agung Gede Agung Satrya Megada Udayana University, Denpasar, Indonesia
  • Luh Nyoman Alit Aryani Prof. dr. IGNG Ngoerah General Hospital, Denpasar, Indonesia


cognitive behavioral therapy, craving phase, crystal methamphetamine, substance abuse


The problem of substance abuse has shown an increase in quantity, quality, and rate of distribution, both in terms of the number of victims and the types of substance abuse. World drug reports around 275 million people used drugs worldwide in 2020. In Indonesia, there are 3.66 million drug users in 2021. When people with substance abuse stop taking the substance and have the desire to take it again, it is called the craving phase. The case is a 36-year-old male with Mental and Behavioral Disorders Due to the Use of Other Stimulants With Uncomplicated Substance Withdrawal (F15.30). The patient wants to stop using crystal methamphetamine because there’s a desire to use it again in the last 3 weeks after stopping two months ago. This patient is in the craving phase, and CBT is the most therapy given to prevent relapse, beside CBT patient is also given other non-medical therapy in the form of supportive psychotherapy, motivational interviewing, and family therapy, for the medical therapy Fluoxetine 10 mg tab every 24 hours IO (in the morning) and Alprazolam 1  mg tab every 24 hours IO (in the evening).


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Badan Narkotika Nasional. Penanggulangan bahaya narkoba di kalangan remaja. Jakarta: Prestasi Jakarta Publisher. 2020.

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How to Cite

Megada, A. A. G. A. S., & Aryani, L. N. A. (2023). Role of cognitive behavior therapy on people with substance abuse in the craving phase: Case report. International Journal of Health & Medical Sciences, 6(3), 126-129.