Analysis of anxiety and depression in young adult patients with suicide attempts in the emergency department RSUP Prof. Dr. IGNG Ngoerah Denpasar


  • Ida Aju Kusuma Wardani Udayana University & Prof.Dr. I.G.N.G. Ngoerah Hospital, Denpasar, Indonesia
  • Lely Setyawati Kurniawan Udayana University & Prof.Dr. I.G.N.G. Ngoerah Hospital, Denpasar, Indonesia


anxiety, depression, mental health care, suicide, young adults


Suicide is a major public health problem worldwide. Attempted suicide (AT) is a deliberate act of self-harm that has the intent to die, but does not result in death. Young adults are less likely to receive mental health care than younger and older individuals. This study aims to determine the description of anxiety and depression and provide an analysis of patients who attempted suicide who entered the Emergency Unit at Prof. Dr. IGNG Ngoerah Hospital Denpasar. The research was conducted at Prof. dr. IGNG Ngoerah Hospital Denpasar. The research method was descriptive analytic, cross-sectional using demographic questionnaires, Mini International Neuropsychiatry Interview (MINI), Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI). Data were processed using SPSS software. The study found that the mean age of 30 years and female gender were the most common. There is a close relationship between anxiety and depression with suicide risk.


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How to Cite

Wardani, I. A. K., & Kurniawan, L. S. (2023). Analysis of anxiety and depression in young adult patients with suicide attempts in the emergency department RSUP Prof. Dr. IGNG Ngoerah Denpasar. International Journal of Health & Medical Sciences, 6(4), 207-214.

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