Lessons learned from the business model of sustainable vicuna fiber production management in Chile




Aymara, business model, lesson learned, sustainable management, vicuña


The purpose of this article is to share with stakeholders and researchers in the Aymara livestock sector the results, experiences and lessons learned about the production and commercialization of vicuña fiber under sustainable management from different innovation initiatives financed by the Foundation for Agrarian Innovation, FIA. It is hoped that this information, systematized in the form of a "learned business model", will provide stakeholders with the information they need and provide elements that will allow them to make productive decisions and, potentially, develop initiatives related to this economic sector.


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How to Cite

Barra Novoa, R. (2021). Lessons learned from the business model of sustainable vicuna fiber production management in Chile. International Journal of Life Sciences & Earth Sciences, 4(1), 1-10. https://doi.org/10.31295/ijle.v4n1.1490