Level of utilization of cakalang fisheries with pole and line catching equipment in Kupang



  • Ariv Suryadi Keo Jakarta Institution of Fisheries, Indonesia
  • Sugianto Halim Jakarta Institution of Fisheries, Indonesia
  • Sugeng Hari Wisudo Jakarta Institution of Fisheries, Indonesia


cakalang fisheries, CPUE, MEY, MSY, sustainability


This study describes the bioeconomic analysis of the utilization of mackerel fish resources in various regimes through the Gordon Schaefer Model with an estimation model of biological parameters. Data analysis was carried out using the resource stock abundance index through recording data on catches and the number of trips/boats/fishing gear in a time series, to determine the allocation of fishing effort to the abundance of fish. Furthermore, the calculation of the catch per effort (CPUE, Catch per Unit of Effort). Analysis of fishing effort allocation is carried out using economic profit forecasts with Revenue Per Unit Effort (RPUEj) analysis. The results showed that the average catch per unit of effort (2014-2018) was 3.31 tons/trip. The maximum sustainable effort (EMSY) is 705 trips/year with a maximum sustainable production value (hMSY) of 2404.90 tons/year. The price of skipjack tuna in Kupang is relatively low with an average of IDR 11.000,-/kg. This study also obtained an estimate of MEY Effort (EMEY) of 611 trips/year with a production (hMEY) of 2361.83 tons/year. While the actual fishing effort is 931 trips/year with a production of 2697 tons/year. Utilization activities show more biological and economic fishing efforts. For skipjack catching activities in Kupang with pole and line, it is recommended that the total allowable catch (TAC) is 80% of the MSY value.


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How to Cite

Keo, A. S., Halim, S., & Wisudo, S. H. (2021). Level of utilization of cakalang fisheries with pole and line catching equipment in Kupang. International Journal of Life Sciences & Earth Sciences, 4(1), 30-37. https://doi.org/10.31295/ijle.v4n1.1712