The challenge of managing hypertension in the elderly with a healthy lifestyle and medical treatment


  • Gunawan Widjaja Universitas Krisnadwipayana, Indonesia
  • Hotmaria Hertawaty Sijabat Universitas Krisnadwipayana, Indonesia


challenges, healthy lifestyle, hypertension, manage care, seniors


As humans get old, diseases come one by one. One of them is hypertension from level one to level two and three, which takes much attention and effort. This study aims to understand the challenges of managing hypertension in the elderly with a healthy lifestyle and drug treatment. To answer this problem, we have examined dozens of papers published in international journals between 2010 and 2020 to get the latest data. Next, we examine the phenomenological approach, which includes a data coding system and in-depth interpretation before concluding typical findings that are valid and have high reliability. This study relies on secondary data, and we searched with the help of technology in some electronic publications. Based on the data findings and discussion, we can summarize the findings: Normal blood pressure in the elderly (elderly) tends to be higher, that is, < 150 mmHg for systolic pressure and < 90 mmHg for diastolic pressure. This is because the blood vessels in the elderly tend to be stiffer, so the heart requires higher pressure to pump blood throughout the body.


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How to Cite

Widjaja, G., & Sijabat, H. H. (2021). The challenge of managing hypertension in the elderly with a healthy lifestyle and medical treatment. International Journal of Life Sciences & Earth Sciences, 4(1), 44-52.