Nutritional content and sensory properties of sere kedele from various producers in Gianyar Regency, Bali


  • P. A. S Wipradnyadewi Udayana University, Denpasar, Indonesia
  • I. M. Sugitha Udayana University, Denpasar, Indonesia
  • I. B. W Gunam Udayana University, Denpasar, Indonesia
  • K. A. Nocianitri Udayana University, Denpasar, Indonesia


Gianyar Regency, nutritional content, sensory properties, sere kedele


Sere kedele is a traditional food from fermented soybeans produced by people on the southeast coast of Bali. The purpose of this study was to determine the nutritional content and sensory properties of sere kedele from various producers in Gianyar Regency. The survey results showed that in Gianyar Regency there are 4 producers of sere kedele, namely 2 producers in Blabatuh Village (Banjar Pokas and Banjar Teruna), 1 producer in Sukawati Village and 1 producer in Buruan Village. Sere kedele products were sampled from all producers and then analyzed for its nutritional content and sensory properties. The design used was Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 4 replications. The results of the analysis showed that the water content of sere kedele ranged from 57.68% to 60.84%, ash content from 2.24% to 3.06%, fat content from 7.84% to 12.40%, dissolved protein content from 2.18% to 4.30%, carbohydrate content from 22.77% to 26.51%, glutamic acid content from 0.52 % to 6.97 % , total microbes from 10.78 log cfu/ml to 11.50 log cfu/ml, total lactic acid bacteria from 10.54 log cfu/ml to  10.77 log cfu/ml.


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How to Cite

Wipradnyadewi, P. A. S., Sugitha, I. M., Gunam, I. B. W., & Nocianitri, K. A. (2023). Nutritional content and sensory properties of sere kedele from various producers in Gianyar Regency, Bali. International Journal of Life Sciences and Earth Sciences, 6(1), 30-38.