Estimation of Existing and Contribution of Mangrove Rehabilitation by PHE ONWJ Program to Carbon Stocks Mangroves in Coastal Karawang Regency, Indonesia


  • Rahman Rahman
  • Luisa Febrina Amalo Center for Environmental Research
  • Marfian Dwidima Putra
  • Luluk Dwi Wulan Handayani
  • Gilang Munggaran
  • Hadi Supardi
  • Arif Rahman
  • L.M. Alfin Agushara Bena


carbon absorption, carbon stock, mangrove regeneration, mangrove rehabilitation


One of the efforts to mitigate climate change is the preservation of mangrove ecosystems because of their function as carbon storage and absorbers. The coast of Karawang Regency is a potential area for mangrove ecosystems, but information on existing carbon stocks and sequestration is not yet known, let alone the contribution of mangrove rejuvenation, including from rehabilitation seedlings. The study results show that the total carbon stock in the coast of Karawang Regency ranges from 13.75 – 56.89 MgC ha–1  or 5,799.88 – 24,003.58 MgC. This value is obtained from the contribution of three main species, namely A. marina of 4.38 – 15.38 MgC ha–1, R. apiculata of 5.80 – 24.63 MgC ha–1, and R. mucronata of 3.57 – 16.88 MgC ha–1. The carbon sequestration value (CO2-equivalent) on the coast of Karawang Regency ranges from 50.40 – 208.58 MgCO2-eq ha–1 or an overall of 21,266.23 – 88,013.14 MgCO2-eq. This value was obtained from the contribution of three main species, namely A. marina of 16.07 – 56.41 MgCO2-eq ha–1, R. apiculata of 21.25 – 90.29 MgCO2-eq ha–1, and R. mucronata of 13.08 – 61.88 MgCO2-eq ha–1. The total contribution value of stock and carbon sequestration from mangrove rejuvenation in the simulation up to 10 years of diameter growth reached 24.58 MgC year–1  and 90.14 MgCO2-eq year–1. These values are an accumulation of three categories of youth, namely the existing sapling category (7.86 MgC year–1 and 28.82 MgCO2-eq year–1), the existing seedling category (4.72 MgC year–1 and 17.32 MgCO2-eq year–1), and the seedling category (3.64 MgC year–1  and 13.33 MgCO2-eq year–1)


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How to Cite

Rahman, R., Amalo, L. F., Putra, M. D. ., Handayani, L. D. W. ., Munggaran, G., Supardi, H. ., Rahman, A., & Bena, L. A. A. . (2024). Estimation of Existing and Contribution of Mangrove Rehabilitation by PHE ONWJ Program to Carbon Stocks Mangroves in Coastal Karawang Regency, Indonesia. International Journal of Life Sciences & Earth Sciences, 7(1). Retrieved from