Mangrove Ecosystem Resilience Based on Recruitment Indices on the Coast of West Muna Regency, Indonesia


  • rahman Ali Departement of Marine Science, Pattimura University
  • Juliana Natan Department of Aquatic Resources Management, Pattimura University, Ambon – Indonesia


Mangrove ecosystem, recruitment indeces, resilience, cycle of resilience


This study aims to determine the resilience of mangrove ecosystems with a Recruitment Indices approach in the coastal of West Muna Regency. The research method used quadrant transects (10  x 10 m2). Analysis of the resilience indices is based on the RI with the equation RI = Ln ((0.7 x DSd/DT )+ (DSp/DT)). The results showed that station I and station II found the highest RI of total mangrove ecosystem with values ??of 1.43 and 1.38. In contrast, stations III and IV were the lowest, with RI values ??of 1.07 and 1.05, respectively. Meanwhile, the highest RI values ??for mangrove species on the coast of West Muna Regency were B. gymnorrhiza and B. cylindrica, with RI = 1.70 and RI = 1.63, respectively. In comparison, the lowest was S. alba (RI = 0.90) and R. stylosa (RI = 1.22). Based on the RI value, the mangrove ecosystem on the coast of West Muna Regency is in the high resilience category (RI = 1.25 ± 0.20). It indicates that the mangrove ecosystem on the coast of West Muna Regency has good regeneration and growth abilities so that it can recover even though it is under ecological pressure.


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How to Cite

Ali, rahman, & Natan, J. (2024). Mangrove Ecosystem Resilience Based on Recruitment Indices on the Coast of West Muna Regency, Indonesia. International Journal of Life Sciences & Earth Sciences, 7(1). Retrieved from