Effect of addition of glutamic acid-producing lactic acid bacteria isolate on the sensory properties of Sere Kedele




glutamic acid, isolate of lactic acid bacteria, sensory properties, sere kedele


Sere kedele is a traditional Balinese fermented food. We often find this food in the Gianyar and Klungkung Regencies. Sere kedele is made through spontaneous fermentation, meaning no microbes are added to the process. The addition of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) isolates that produce glutamic acid during fermentation can affect the sensory properties of sere kedele. This research aimed to determine the effect of adding lactic acid bacteria isolates that produce glutamic acid on the sensory properties of sere kedele. The research used 4 treatments with 4 replications using the Completely Randomized Design (CRD) method. The addition of lactic acid bacteria isolates that produce glutamic acid did not have a significant effect on the sensory properties of soybean sere with the results being a yellowish brown color with a normal rating, a pleasant aroma, a savory taste with a favorable rating and overall acceptance of liking.


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How to Cite

Wipradnyadewi, P. A. S. (2024). Effect of addition of glutamic acid-producing lactic acid bacteria isolate on the sensory properties of Sere Kedele. International Journal of Life Sciences and Earth Sciences, 7(1), 33-37. https://doi.org/10.21744/ijle.v7n1.2293