Poor academic performance in mathematics of upper basic students



  • Francisca Lourdes Mendoza-Peñarrieta Maestría en Educación Básica, Universidad Laica “Eloy Alfaro de Manabí” Extensión Chone, Manabí, Ecuador
  • Monserrate Dalila del Roció Alcívar-Cedeño Universidad Laica “Eloy Alfaro de Manabí” Extensión Chone, Manabí, Ecuador


learning, mathematics, school performance, socioeconomic factors


The research aims to study the deficiencies in the school performance in the level of learning in the students of the Upper Basic in the subject of mathematics in the Educational Unit. September 26 at the Casa Grande site in the Canuto parish, Chone canton. The application of surveys aimed at teachers and parents was used as an instrument to match criteria for the verification of situational variables that influence the teaching-learning process, in addition, the quantitative, documentary and inductive-deductive methods were used. The different assessments that determine unfavorable conditions for optimal academic development in ninth-year students in the subject of mathematics are presented. The objective was to determine what causes cause poor academic performance in students, the result was that the student's coexistence environment directly affects school performance, triggering deficiencies for poor academic performance.


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How to Cite

Mendoza-Peñarrieta, F. L., & Alcívar-Cedeño, M. D. del R. (2022). Poor academic performance in mathematics of upper basic students. International Journal of Physics & Mathematics, 5(1), 21-27. https://doi.org/10.21744/ijpm.v5n1.1909