Cognitive stimuli in the learning of mathematics in seventh grade children of basic secondary education


  • María Fernanda Loor-Mera Maestría en Educación Básica, Universidad Laica “Eloy Alfaro de Manabí” Extensión Chone
  • Fernando Alberto Yánez-Balarezo Universidad Laica “Eloy Alfaro de Manabí” Extensión Chone


cognitive stimulation, mathematical learning, mathematical methods, seventh-grade children


The research was based on the analysis of cognitive stimuli for learning mathematics in seventh grade students of basic secondary education of the Magaly Masson de Valle Carrera Educational Unit of the Chone canton , the results are presented through a Kendall matrix, allowing to quantify the levels of assertiveness of the variables found, the problem of mathematical learning that refers to low academic performance demands the identification of techniques and methods that allow students to be stimulated efficiently, to For this purpose, through documentary research, the stimuli applicable to the mathematical field were classified and through the analysis, 48 were identified that are closely related to the subject. In this context, the objective was to determine the most efficient for mathematical performance, the research has an exploratory and documentary approach using the use of qualitative, quantitative and analytical tools such as expert criteria, the result was the identification of the 25 most incident stimuli, recreational activities, puzzle games and riddles turned out to be determining variables, sequential and transcription stimulation occupy second place, finally the application of new technologies and ICT together with the identified stimuli offer a wide range of tools for teachers inside and outside the classroom, concludes that efficiency is relative to the experience and mystique of work with which the teacher teaches his students, however the application of the stimuli defined in this study contribute significantly to academic performance


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How to Cite

Loor-Mera, M. F., & Yánez-Balarezo, F. A. (2022). Cognitive stimuli in the learning of mathematics in seventh grade children of basic secondary education. International Journal of Physics & Mathematics, 5(1), 34-46.