Application of hydroponic plants watering automations based on atmega328 microcontroller on water spinach (Pomea Aquatic Forsk)


  • Supardi, I.W Udayana University, Denpasar, Indonesia
  • Ni Nyoman Rupiasih Udayana University, Denpasar, Indonesia
  • I Ketut Putra Udayana University, Denpasar, Indonesia


ADC, ATMega328, Humidity, Temperature, Water spinach


The development of electronic technology in the era of globalization is very rapid. Utilization of this technology as a means to assist in agriculture, especially hydroponic plantations that are currently developing, to obtain optimal results, it is necessary to monitor the humidity and temperature conditions of the growing media. In previous research, a system was made that was able to maintain the humidity and temperature of the water following what the plant needed. The tool consists of a temperature sensor, humidity sensor, ATMega328 microcontroller, ADC and water pump. Temperature and humidity sensors function to detect temperature and humidity. The ADC functions to change the amount of voltage measured by temperature and soil moisture into a digital quantity which is then forwarded to the ATMega328 microcontroller to be processed into a digital display on the LCD. The ATMega328 microcontroller also regulates the ON and OFF of the water pump engine.  The next research is to apply the tools that have been made in real terms. This research will apply the tools that have been made to the water spinach plant (Pomea Aquatic Forsk).


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How to Cite

Supardi, I. W., Rupiasih, N. N., & Putra, I. K. (2023). Application of hydroponic plants watering automations based on atmega328 microcontroller on water spinach (Pomea Aquatic Forsk). International Journal of Physics & Mathematics, 6(1), 34-38.