Islamic education system in Indonesia

Method of library research


  • Rusnila Hamid Doctoral Program UIN, Bandung, Indonesia
  • Ruswandi Uus UIN Bandung, Indonesia


education system, formal Islam, Islamic education, library research, non-formal Islam


Still not ideal Islamic education system in Indonesia be a phenomenon in this study. This research uses the library research method. Sources of data and information come from various references related to research to be analyzed according to the focus of the problems discussed in the results and discussion. Secondary data sources used for analysis include various reference sources. The results of the study are the history of the journey of Islamic education in Indonesia starting from the first time Islam was spread in Indonesia, the development of Islamic education has continued from the kingdom to the present. The system of providing formal and non-formal Islamic education is following the needs and situations of certain communities, not bound by the time and evaluation determined by the government.


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How to Cite

Hamid, R., & Uus, R. (2022). Islamic education system in Indonesia: Method of library research. International Journal of Social Sciences, 5(1), 1-7.