Not a multicultural society

the powerful discipline of practicing towards hindus and muslims in bali


  • I Nyoman Wijaya The Teaching Staff of Studies Program of History Science, Faculty of Arts and Culture, University of Udayana. Studies Graduation of S-1, S2, dan S-3 in University of Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta.


Hindu, Muslim, Balinese, Melting Pot, Multicultural Society, Self-discipline power


This article was intended to criticise the expert’s claims towards across disciplines who stated the Balinese people were a multicultural society and had been inherited since royal and prehistoric times. Whereas, the multiculturalism was as the main concepts that make up the newly formed multicultural conception of society in the United States in the 1960s. The claim was a historical reality that was not neutral, which was more geared to the present interests, in order to justify the general opinion that stated Balinese people was the most tolerant society in Indonesia. The historical evidence and practice interfaith society life, both past and present proof indicates otherwise, the Balinese people was not a multicultural society, but only a plural society. The conclusions were derived based the three questions formulated. which was why people who have the power to speak on behalf of Bali need to conduct disciplinary body against the Hindus and the Muslims, how the practices of self-disciplining to the Hinduism and Islam people implemented or implemented, and what the implications of that self-disciplining of practicing for the Balinese of Hinduism and Muslim. As the cornerstone of thinking in answering, these three issues used Michel Foucault's way of thinking, especially, in the domain of disciplinary power.


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How to Cite

Wijaya, I. N. (2016). Not a multicultural society: the powerful discipline of practicing towards hindus and muslims in bali. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Culture, 2(2), 126–140. Retrieved from



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