Speech acts found in the novel “Snowing in Bali”




drug, illocutionary, novel, speech acts, utterance


The novel Snowing in Bali is an international bestseller novel telling the story of Bali’s hidden drug world. Some utterances in the novel contain kinds of speech acts. The text of the novel is analyzed to find out the kinds of speech acts. The research aims to analyze speech acts and their kinds. Speech acts is a subfield of pragmatics studying how words are used not only to present information but also to carry out actions. There are three kinds of speech acts, for instance, elocutionary acts, illocutionary acts, and perlocutionary acts. A locutionary act can be defined as performing an act of saying something, an illocutionary act is viewed as an act in saying something, and a perlocutionary act is an act by saying something. A large number of those are found in the novel. This research is aimed to find out and analyze the elocutionary acts, the illocutionary acts, and the perlocutionary acts. The theory used is of Austin (1962), considering that people do not only use the language to assert things but also to do things.


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How to Cite

Suardana, I. P. E. (2020). Speech acts found in the novel “Snowing in Bali”. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Culture, 7(1), 23–31. https://doi.org/10.21744/ijllc.v7n1.1106



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