Tourism development basis in traditional village of Kuta



Krama, Culture Capital, Culture Tourism, Tourism Development, Traditional Kuta Village


Tourism in the Kuta District, located in southern Bali, Indonesia, is a phenomenal global commercial sector that continues to be the largest contributor to Indonesia’s tourism industry, and thereby also contributes to the overall gross national product (GNP) in Indonesia. Kuta’s world-renowned tourist destination has its roots dating from the early 19th century when at that time the island of Bali enticed tourists that had the unique Balinese cultural experiences at heart. Today, Kuta has many sectors of tourism including cultural tourism, nature tourism, shopping tourism and a distinct surfing history with international competitions. Considering that Kuta District leads Bali in cultural capital and tourism throughout the entire island of Bali, Indonesia, this paper will question: 1) how Kuta can continue to lead cultural tourism and remain dynamic in Bali, Indonesia, yet grow by means of socioeconomic communications 2) how the krama (member of traditional village) living in poverty can implement cultural tourism 3) discuss cultural tourism and joint efforts between larger governmental bodies that oversee sociological propaganda that might: strengthen artistic endeavors, preserve the unique identity of the Balinese people and satisfy tourists that still visit Bali with expectations of experiencing its native, original, highly artistic and cultural atmosphere, original cultural experience and atmosphere of what has become known as the unspoiled Bali of the 19th century.


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How to Cite

Sumadi, K. (2016). Tourism development basis in traditional village of Kuta. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Culture, 2(3), 124–132. Retrieved from



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