Vocal and consonant pan features in Nias and Sigulai languages



Vocal Feature, Nias Languages, PAN Consonant, Sigulai Languages, Devayan Language


This paper aims at describing the features of vowels and PAN consonants in Nias and Sigulai languages, as well as their comparison bit of Devayan Language. The three languages were used as objects for comparing between Nias and Sigulai language that was spoken in two different islands mastering enough similarity compared Sigulai Language with Devayan Language although both (Sigulai and Devayan Language) performed on the same island, i.e. Simeulue Island. Based on the analysis, it can be concluded that the vowels and PAN consonants degrade many forms and in different ways in derivatives language, i.e. languages of Nias, Sigulai, and Devayan. Nias language and Sigulai language shows fairly closely than in the Devayan Language. That was the consonants features of the Austronesian language and vowels can evidence its existence in Nias language and Sigulai language. The qualitative evidence that could be concluded from the above comparison was: (1) the sound was inherited linearly *i is a vowel and * u * l * g consonant. (2) The sound experience is fading *s/*S, *c, *y, *k, *q, and *h;  (3) sound inherited linearly once-fading and change was * e> ?, o, and u; * A> a, o; * P> f, b; * B> f, w / v; * M> m, Ø; *> W, b; * T> t, d; * D> d, l, n; * N> g, k; * R / * R> r, l, Ø; * ?> ?, n; * Z> j, l; and * ?> ?, Ø. The changes were varied in point three took place on the third syllable and a different position. All types of changing, it turned out all the lexicons PAN closed syllable, experiencing consonant deletion at any syllable in Nias language and particularly Sigulai language.


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How to Cite

Widayati, D. (2016). Vocal and consonant pan features in Nias and Sigulai languages. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Culture, 2(4), 86–96. Retrieved from https://sloap.org/journals/index.php/ijllc/article/view/142



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