Toward socio-contextual perspective: A case in analyzing texts



English, perspective, social context, text organization, text structure


The purpose of this study is to analyze the social context, the text organization, and the text structure. The data that are analyzed in this study are taken from the book entitled Tales of Wisdom. There are two main texts are used in this study. The theory used was Halliday (1978) advocated placing the context of situation into a broader social context. The result of this study revealed that all of the elements of the context of situation (field, tenor, mode) were found in the texts. Both of the texts were well organized seen from the text organization including starting (orientation), content (complication), and ending (resolution).  In terms of text structure, the use of reference and conjunction were frequently occurred. Of the four sub conjunctions, only three sub conjunctions were appeared and additive is the most one of all. 


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How to Cite

Hidayanti, N. N. A. T. (2021). Toward socio-contextual perspective: A case in analyzing texts. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Culture, 7(2), 98–110.



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