A metaphorical analysis of Kabhanti Modero to show Munanese social relations


  • Lilik Rita Lindayani Lecturer of Language and Literature Department in Cultural Studies Faculty, Halu Oleo University
  • Fina Amalia Masri Lecturer of Language and Literature Department in Cultural Studies Faculty, Halu Oleo University
  • Rahmatan Idul Lecturer of Language and Literature Department in Cultural Studies Faculty, Halu Oleo University
  • La Sawali Lecturer of Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Halu Oleo University


Metaphor, Kabhanti, Munanese, Social Relation, Kabhanti Modero


So far, a comprehensive metaphorical study seems to be more unfamiliar in vernacular expressions.  Such a study is usually restricted to determining the sense type, moral values, or other similar general aspects.  Studies in a more specific aspect seem to be more difficult to find. This is of paramount importance because it does not only foster the national culture, but also preserve the traditional culture representing the true identity of a nation.  This study is not only aimed at identifying the types of metaphors in kabhanti modero but also attempts to elaborate upon the relations between Munanese society and the metaphorical expressions in it.  The research sites are located in Lohia and Kondongia villages, Muna Regency.  The primary data are obtained from the informants with thorough knowledge and cultural experience on kabhanti modero, especially those who serve as the local informal leaders. On the other hand, the secondary data are obtained through the written data in the form of archives, books, journals and data from the Department of Tourism, Muna Regency. The data are collected by using listening and speaking techniques in the form of conversation and interaction between the researchers and informants as resource persons. The results of this study indicate that there are four types of metaphors in modero kabhanti, i.e. anthropomorphic metaphors, plant metaphors, metaphors from concrete to abstract entities, and kinaesthetic metaphors. The linkage between metaphorical expressions in kabhanti modero with the social relations of Munanese society reflects the metaphorical expressions representing the local character of the Munanese. This is closely related to how they perceive the spiritual relationship between man and God through the "dhosa" diction and the social relationships between man and others through the "dapotonda-tonda" clause, the "mina bhe nsigaahano" clause, as well as the lyrics revealing the relationship between men and women.


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How to Cite

Lindayani, L. R., Masri, F. A., Idul, R., & Sawali, L. (2018). A metaphorical analysis of Kabhanti Modero to show Munanese social relations. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Culture, 4(2), 72–80. Retrieved from https://sloap.org/journals/index.php/ijllc/article/view/157



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