The reflection of family relations in the novel of A. Chulpan “Kecha Va Kunduz”



couple relationships, fiction, realistic literature, Uzbek women features


The present article analyzes the relationship of the couple and the role of women in couple relations in the early twentieth century by using the heroes of the great Uzbek novel “Kecha va Kunduz”, created by A. Chulpan. The images of women of three different ages in the novel were used in the analysis. Zebi is a young Uzbek woman, Miryokub's wife is a middle-aged Uzbek woman, and Kurbanbibi is an older Uzbek woman and their characteristics and commonalities are shown. Their sense of childbearing is glorified.


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How to Cite

Sayitqulova, Z. H. qizi. (2021). The reflection of family relations in the novel of A. Chulpan “Kecha Va Kunduz”. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Culture, 7(4), 188–193.



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