Cognitive principle of foregrounding in the mass-media



cognitive principles commentators, internet journalism, media communications, print media, publishing houses, republican conference, strong civil society


In this article, the cognitive principles of prioritizing the media, the media - the institutions that collect all the information about what is happening, process it, and provide it to the public as news, sometimes referred to as media communications, and similar information is discussed. In particular, ensuring freedom of information and speech, liberalization of this area has been identified as an important priority in building a democratic, legal state and a strong civil society in Uzbekistan. In 1991, there were 395 media outlets in Uzbekistan, but today their number has reached 1,437.


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How to Cite

Otakhonova, K. (2021). Cognitive principle of foregrounding in the mass-media. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Culture, 7(4), 194–200.



Research Articles