Source characteristics of Ayyub’s work “sharhi masnaviyi mawlavi”


  • Iroda Amanullayevna Umarova Department of Classical Philology, Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies, Tashkent, Uzbekistan


dictionary, external form, holy Quran, manuscript overview, mysticism works, spirituality


Manuscript No. 2225 is kept in the fund of the Institute of Oriental Studies named after Abu Rayhon Beruni of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan. This manuscript is an excellent commentary on Jalaliddin Rumi's “Masnaviyi Manaviy” and contains six books. The commentary is called “Sharhi Masnaviyi Mawlavi” by Ayyub. The commentary explains some of Masnavi's words, as well as stories about Rumi's life and teachings. Some of the stories are narrated by the narrator himself. At the beginning of each comment or story that Ayyub gave, he noted the source from which that information was obtained. In interpreting the Masnavi, the commentator used the following works: Abdurahman Jami's Naynama, Yusuf and Zulayha, Nafahotu-l-uns, Ahmad Afloki's “Manoqibu-l-Arifin”, Sheikh Abdurahim Bihari's “Kashfu-l-lugat va -l istilohot”. In some verses of the Masnavi, a word or phrase from the verses of the Qur'an is quoted. The commentator explains this verse in full in the commentary, sometimes after giving a sentence of the verse. In his Masnavi, Rumi refers to the Hadiths or any event in the history of the prophets. Ayyub gives that Hadith or incident in full and then goes on to comment on it.


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According to Haji Khalifa's Kashfu-z-zunun (Hodji Khalifa's Kashfu-z-zunun), Manoqibu-l-Arifin was written in 718 A.D. 1318 A.D. orifin ”). Haji Khalifa (real name Mustafa ibn Abdullah; 1609, Istanbul-1657) and secretary Chalabi is a Turkish geographer and historian. His works on historical geography “Jahonnamo” and bibliographic works “Kashfu-z-zunun” are famous in science. The next book contains important information about many authors and their works.

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Rubinchik Yu. ?. (1970). Persian-Russian dictionary. Volume 2. – Moscow. - p. 396.

Rumi, J. (2002) Masnaviy ma’naviy. First book. Translated from farsi to uzbek by national poet of Uzbekistan Jamol Kamol. Tashkent. The publishing house “National heritage” named after Abdulla Qodiriy. B.26.

Rumi, J. (2002) Masnaviy Manaviy. Second book. Translated from Persian to Uzbek by national poet of Uzbekistan Jamol Kamol. – Tashkent: The publishing house “National heritage” named after Abdulla Qodiriy.

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How to Cite

Umarova, I. A. (2021). Source characteristics of Ayyub’s work “sharhi masnaviyi mawlavi”. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Culture, 7(4), 228–235.



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