Comparison of expression of God in poems written by Amir Hamzah, Chairil Anwar and Sutardji Calzoum Bachri


  • Saiful Bahri Mataram University, Indonesia
  • - Rusdiawan Mataram University, Indonesia
  • - Nuriadi Mataram University, Indonesia


Poetry, Marker, Fragment, Denotative, Expression, Connotative


God becomes the search for religious people. This search is expressed in the form of books, songs, movies, or even in the form of literary works. The individual poets express God in poetry. There is a difference between one poet and the other. In this study, therefore, we examine several issues: the expression of God in Amir Hamzah's poem entitled Drop Back, the expression of God in Chairil Anwar's poem entitled Prayer, the expression of God in the Sutardji Calzoum Bachri poem entitled Amuk, and the comparison of expression on God in the poems of the poets. This research is qualitative with descriptive nature. In this case, data collection is done by library method and documentation technique. Further data analysis is done with the application of Roland Barthes semiotics theory, namely the principle of signifier (sign), signified (signified), and meaning (signification). This analysis begins by splitting the data in the form of fragments that are arbitrarily defined. Thereafter, the first or denotative meanings are determined by looking at the lexical meaning, and the meaning of the second or connotative level is determined by the search for a relation between marker and second level marker. By looking at the significance of the second level, the expression of God in the poetry of the poets in can be determined. Thus, the results of data analysis show things as follows. (1) Amir Hamzah expresses God with the fragment of your servant tongue, different, develops, spreads me up the ladder of captivity, and descends again. (2) Chairil Anwar expresses God with the fragments of prayer and at your door I knock. (3) Sutarjdi Calzoum Bachri expresses God with the fragments of my cat and se There is mmmmMu! (4) Amir Hamzah expressing God as a supreme substance and he resisted such ideas as manunggaling kusula gusti, Chairil Anwar expressed God as the only place to get the feeling of "coming home or returning" to be a person who surrendered to the greatness of God's grace, while Sutarjdi Calzoum Bachri expressed God as a substance that can only be found with submission to Him.


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How to Cite

Bahri, S., Rusdiawan, .-., & Nuriadi, .-. (2018). Comparison of expression of God in poems written by Amir Hamzah, Chairil Anwar and Sutardji Calzoum Bachri. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Culture, 4(3), 64–71. Retrieved from



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