Phonological acquisition Symeea

Children the age of 2 years


  • Erin Elvira Dewi Mataram University, Indonesia


Children, Process of Language, Potential or Language, Phonological Acquisition, Symeea


Every child who was born normally has the potential or language in him. Problems that often attract attention is about how the process of language acquisition a child. This research discusses acquisition of phonology as a young age 2 years named Symeea using contrasting theory and process introduced by Ingram. According to Ingram a child has system phonology adults with the creation its structure own and then change the structure of this if prescience on the system adults better. The development of phonology this through assimilation and accommodation that is constantly (according to the theory of Piaget): change the structure of to harmonized by the fact. Acquisition phonology child occurs through some process of simplification common involving all classes sound. This research using design descriptive qualitative research to described of language acquisition particularly to the field of phonology. Data sources in this research is a recording speech a child up to the age 2 years named Symeea on 27 December 2016. Data in this study collected with the observation to technique record and note. Based on the results of recording that has been done can be concluded that acquisition phonology on Symeea involving process substitution in each the phoneme /r/, /u/, /s/, and /a/. Acquisition phonology on Symeea also involved the process of assimilating especially in the phoneme /e/. In addition, happened the process structure syllables (simplification structure syllable) cluster of to the reduction/r/ in each said [pergi] and [rumah]. Speech of Symeea there was interference language the use of Sasak language inform the phrase.


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How to Cite

Dewi, E. E. (2017). Phonological acquisition Symeea: Children the age of 2 years. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Culture, 3(1), 56–64. Retrieved from



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