The resistance of slave in colonial era toward Surapati by Abdoel Moeis


  • I Nyoman Yasa Negeri Malang University, Ganesha Education University, Udayana University, Indonesia
  • Anang Santoso Negeri Malang University, Indonesia
  • - Roekhan Negeri Malang University, Indonesia


Slave, Resistance, Postcolonial, Novel Surapati, slavery problem


This descriptive qualitative research is done based on slave and slavery problem in Indonesia in literary work. It is executed by using deconstruction technique, and it has the goals to describe: (1) The relation between colonials and colonialized people in Surapati novel and (2) The resistance of slave to the employer, and (3) The characteristics of Surapati novel in postcolonial perspective. The result of this research shows that the relation between colonials and colonialized people, it is between Dutch and Indonesian indigene is an unbalanced relation. Dutch’s domination toward indigene is shown through Dutch’s prejudices toward indigene, animal stereotyping to indigent, and skin color discrimination which is constructed by colonial. Dutch viewed themselves are more civilized than indigene because they have white skin color, otherwise indigene have black skin color, or not white. This point of view is reconstructed in their mind and attitude, so there is a stereotype that indigene is uncivilized, negligent, lazy, and like an animal (monkey). The impact of this domination (discrimination, racism, and marginalization) makes indigene perform resistance. Resistance is done by slave/indigene in form of mimicry, and mockery that mocking Dutch colonial as an effort to destroy their power. The mimicry and mockery show the hybrid attitude of slave/indigene, so the discourse that is constructed in Surapati novel is ambiguous. So that, in postcolonial perspective this novel can be said having ambiguous characteristics. In one side it constructs opponent discourse, but in another side it is hegemonies by colonial discourse.


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How to Cite

Yasa, I. N., Santoso, A., & Roekhan, .-. (2017). The resistance of slave in colonial era toward Surapati by Abdoel Moeis. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Culture, 3(1), 86–92. Retrieved from



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