Form, functions, and meaning Lawas Nyorong at the wedding ceremony customary Sumbawa in Jereweh district


  • Erni Subriani Mataram University, Indonesia


Form, Meaning, Functions, Lawas Nyorong, Traditional Ceremonies


Every society an area have a cultural heritage. One example of cultural heritage that is on the island Sumbawa namely Lawas Nyorong used on the wedding procession customary Sumbawa. This research aims to review and described form, function and meaning Lawas Nyorong used on the wedding procession customary Sumbawa especially in District Jereweh. The methodology used is descriptive qualitative. To obtain the data and information relevant to a matter study, then used several methods to technique the literature study, documentation, observation, interview, record, roll and note. The research found is a Lawas Nyorong consists of three the lines in one of the each column consisting of eight syllables, having early rhyme, the middle, and at the end. There are also several styles of language in which include; litotes, the personification, hyperbole, synesthesia, and repetition. Lawas Nyorong having the function to important the collective function community, for entertainment, education, and unifying all the families. However, the meaning of Lawas Nyorong itself with regard to the message, regarding intention or purpose to delivered reflected in Lawas.


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How to Cite

Subriani, E. (2017). Form, functions, and meaning Lawas Nyorong at the wedding ceremony customary Sumbawa in Jereweh district. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Culture, 3(1), 93–104. Retrieved from



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