Stereotypes as the Ideology of Feminism in Novels Authorized by Indonesian Female Authors

Ideologicala Gynocritical Feminist Literary Criticism



Novel, Ideology, Feminism, Stereotype, Gynocritics


This study aims at (1) discovering women stereotypes based on words of the characters’ in the novel in form of text quotations. (2) examining ideology and gynocritics aspect that is how the special characteristics of the feminists’ creative process in terms of style and expression. This study is a qualitative research conducted through descriptive and analytical data analysis by giving exposure and depiction of data in the form of description. Data were collected by using literature study to dismantle aspects of women stereotypes contained in the novel through linguistic expression in the form of text citation since the data sources in this study were dominated by the written data. The data were analyzed grounded on two theories of feminist literary criticism namely ideological and gynocritical feminist criticism theories. The theories are used to discover figures, stereotypes, history, style, theme, genre, structure, profession, customs, traditions and cultures that influence the mindset of female authors. The results show that many women stereotypes paint the works of female authors. Based on three novels authorized by Indonesian female authors studied show that they are obviously consistent in exposing the stereotypes in every writing of their novels. The stereotypes revealed in these novels serve as the basis for the struggle of female authors and their expression in an attempt to voice the dignity of Indonesian women in various sectors of life including politics, social, economic, and culture, in order to align with men. As a result, the struggle give birth to a movement called feminism.


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How to Cite

Junaidi, L. M. (2018). Stereotypes as the Ideology of Feminism in Novels Authorized by Indonesian Female Authors: Ideologicala Gynocritical Feminist Literary Criticism. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Culture, 4(1), 1–15. Retrieved from



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