Mastering a second language as a theoretical and linguodidactic problem in the aspect of neuro-linguistics



linguodidactic problems, non-native language, second foreign language, neurolinguistic, teaching


This article arose from the need to comprehend, firstly, methodological and linguodidactic problems (by linguodidactics we understand the principles of language description for learning purposes) to mastering any non-native language, not only widespread foreign languages, and, secondly, from the need to comprehend not only the teaching of a second foreign language itself but also the content of training professionals of a second foreign language (students of universities and faculties of foreign languages). Theoretical and methodological problems associated with mastering any non-native language are especially acute when we are dealing not with the first, but with the second, third, etc. non-native language. This may be a second foreign language (for example, at school), a second foreign language as the language of a pedagogical specialty (for example, at a pedagogical university), the language of ethnic (self) identification (among members of national diasporas), etc. Therefore, in this paper, along with discussing general issues of mastering a non-native language, we focus on various situations of teaching a language as a second non-native.


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How to Cite

Asrorovna, K. A. (2021). Mastering a second language as a theoretical and linguodidactic problem in the aspect of neuro-linguistics. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Culture, 8(1), 1–5.



Research Articles