Representation of experiential and textual meaning on Kelambu Nyawa texts: A study of linguistics functional systemic



Text, Textual, Systemic, Experiential, Linguistics Functional


The issues are examined in this study is a representation of experiential and textual meaning as well ideology generally exist on Kelambu Nyawa texts. Moreover, this study was descriptive qualitative-quantitative (mixed method). The method was widely used for collecting the data through observations, interviews, and documentations, as well technical notes. Further, in analyzing the data was used the formal and informal method. The result of the study indicating the use of process was dominantly found on kelambu nyawe texts are materials process as much as 115 (35,50%). Further, the use of participant on the text where exist participant I is 308 that predominantly by participant actor about 103 or 33.44% and other participant found is 264 that is dominated by the using of participants goal (receiver) about 85 or 33.20% and the using of other participants is 24 where it’s dominated by reach in number of 15 or 62.25%. Furthermore, the use circumstance on kelambu nyawa texts was dominated domain circumstance about 51 or 26.42%. Whereas, the using of theme that majority used is a topical theme about 146 (48,18%). Furthermore, ideology found on kelambu nyawa texts of Sufism believing that God as a source of everything.


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How to Cite

Suliadi, .-. (2017). Representation of experiential and textual meaning on Kelambu Nyawa texts: A study of linguistics functional systemic. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Culture, 3(2), 78–91. Retrieved from



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