Islamic scientific epistemology in Al-Jabiri perspective



Epistemology, Islamic Scientific, Al-Jabiri Perspective


After Europe experienced renaissance period, it seems that Arab or Islamic countries till now have difficulty to achieve the glory like the era of prophet Muhammad (Rasulullah), Umayyah, Abbasid to the glory of Islam in the Spanish. As one of Islamic thinker (expert), Al-Jabiri arguing that the solutions offered by many experts were not appropriate with the nature concept. Furthermore, He then proposed a critical construction of Arabian epistemological knowledge by analyzing critically the process of Arabian cultural formation. He concluded that the Islamic reasoning had been "dead" because there are no more innovations given since the codification period (ashr at-tadwin) of various scientific fields (tabwib al-ilm) in the middle of 2ndcentury and 3rdcentury of hijri. Since the period, all Islamic epistemologist concept that was born at that time used as a theoretical framework (al-ithar al-marji'i) for the Islamic reasoning until now. Al-jabiri concluded the mainstream Islamic epistemology have existed in the era has three typologies, namely bayani, irfani and burhani. However, ironically the bayani epistemology much more about the Arabian reasoning, so that it created one civilization that is called fiqh civilization (hadlarahfiqh). However, irfani epistemology tends to bring Islamic view into irrational reason. While burhani epistemology is very lacked attention on Islamic view. This thing becomes stumbling to create modern Arab or Islamic era.


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How to Cite

Zohdi, A. (2017). Islamic scientific epistemology in Al-Jabiri perspective. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Culture, 3(5), 26–35. Retrieved from



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