Cultural hegemony at novel Merpati Kembar di Lombok (twin pigeons in Lombok) by Nuriadi: Hegemony analysis of Antonio Gramsci



Twin Pigeons, Hegemony Analysis, Cultural Hegemony, Novel Merpati Kembar


The recent research is related to the cultural hegemony which is contained within the novel Merpati Kembar di Lombok written by Nuriadi. The problems to be studied are the form of cultural hegemony which is contained within the novel Merpati Kembar di Lombok written by Nuriadi. Then the objectives of this research are describing the form of cultural hegemony. This is a descriptive qualitative research. Documentary method and note-taking technique are applied during data collection. Meanwhile, data analysis is conducted by applying the theory of hegemony proposed by Antonio Gramsci with several steps to follow such as data identification, data reduction, data analysis, data presentation and conclusion drawing. Then, the results of data analysis are: the form of cultural hegemony committed by the noble group/society within the novel Merpati Kembar di Lombok is categorized into two levels namely declining hegemony and minimum hegemony.


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How to Cite

Habiburrahman, M. (2017). Cultural hegemony at novel Merpati Kembar di Lombok (twin pigeons in Lombok) by Nuriadi: Hegemony analysis of Antonio Gramsci. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Culture, 3(5), 36–45. Retrieved from



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