Management of boundary areas based on Nyamabraya values


  • I Gede Astra Wesnawa Undiksha Singaraja, Bali-Indonesia
  • I Gede Sudirta Undiksha Singaraja, Bali-Indonesia


Border, Nyamabraya, Development, Model Management


This research was conducted in Bali Province for 3 (three) years, with the aim to produce a model of management of land border area based on the concept of nyamabraya. With the concept of local wisdom, conflicts in the border areas of provinces, districts, and villages in Bali can be avoided or minimized, resulting in the territorial stability and even the integrity of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia remains sustainable. In particular, the objectives of the Year I research are: (1) to identify socio-cultural characteristics of the community in the management of the land border areas; (2) to identify and analyze local government policies in the management of terrestrial border areas; and (3) to analyze and synthesise aspects of the development of the management model Land border areas. To achieve these objectives, then conducted research by using research paradigm development of prototypical type studies combined with reflective analysis method. Research data collected by observation technique, documentation, interview, then analyzed qualitatively. The result of research: (1) socio-cultural characteristics of the community in the management of land border area, (2) local government policy in the management of land border area, and (3) aspects of development model of land border area management.


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How to Cite

Wesnawa, I. G. A., & Sudirta, I. G. (2017). Management of boundary areas based on Nyamabraya values. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Culture, 3(5), 63–71. Retrieved from



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