The impact of green revolution movement towards socio-economic life in the countryside



Slash System, Local Wisdom, Green Revolution, Traditional Farming


The green revolution became an icon in agricultural development in Indonesia in the early seventies to eighty. It was regarded as a savior for the agricultural sector, especially in developing countries characterized by low productivity, long plant duration, low growth, and minimal farmer's welfare. Without the green revolution, it was hard to imagine how agricultural production would have been able to feed the growing population. A prominent feature of the green revolution was the use of superior varieties included PB 5, PB 8, IR 36, IR 48, IR 54, substituted the local seeds i.e. Bengawan, Rajalele, Cianjur, Mentik that have transformed their traditional cultivation systems into the modern farming systems which marginalize a local wisdom. In terms of this has led to socio-economic changes in the rural level, especially to the functions of traditional farming tools unlike ani-ani, granaries, pestle, plow, replaced by slash, tractor and huller systems.


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How to Cite

Eddy, I. W. T. (2017). The impact of green revolution movement towards socio-economic life in the countryside. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Culture, 3(5), 91–100. Retrieved from



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