The quality of reading and learning in basic general education students

Case study


  • Gina María Rivadeneira-Paz Unidad Educativa Rio Chone, Manabí, Ecuador
  • Scarleth Lilibeth Solórzano-Macías Unidad Educativa Raymundo Aveiga, Chone, Manabí, Ecuador
  • Fátima Alexandra Solórzano-Carvajal Unidad Educativa Monserrate Álava de Gonzales, Chone, Manabí, Ecuador
  • Ruth Elena Vera-Ramos Unidad Educativa Monserrate Álava de Gonzales, Chone, Manabí, Ecuador


reading quality, English, learning, EGB, education students


The investigation was related to the quality of reading and learning in basic general education students: The case study had the objective of investigating the level of reading comprehension and determining their learning difficulties in the following institutions: "Oswaldo Castro" Educational Unit, "Raymundo Aveiga" Educational Unit, "Gonzalo Abad" Educational Unit and "Cinco de Mayo" Fiscomisional Educational Unit of the city of Chone. For information purposes, the research had a quantitative approach with the purpose of generating statistics based on the results obtained during the implementation of the knowledge test for students and a survey for language and literature teachers. The results presented show the students were able to infer the content of the reading, evidence that they do not practice reading in class, at home, or in other places. That is to say, there is a real disinterest and/or lack of motivation for reading. Finally, it is presented as conclusions the heterogeneity of the strategies used in the teaching-learning process of reading is evident, where there is no unanimous criterion on the part of the teachers related to the way of teaching reading.


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How to Cite

Rivadeneira-Paz, G. M., Solórzano-Macías, S. L., Solórzano-Carvajal, F. A., & Vera-Ramos, R. E. (2024). The quality of reading and learning in basic general education students: Case study. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Culture, 10(3), 29–38.



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