Using the Whatsapp application as a technological tool to improve the teaching and learning of the English language during natural disasters or health emergencies


  • Katiuska Josefina Rivera-Mendoza Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí extensión Chone, Manabí, Ecuador
  • Victor Efren Alcivar-Calderon Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí extensión Chone, Manabí, Ecuador


English language, learning, teaching, technological tool, WhatsApp


The research is based on the use of the WhatsApp application as a technological tool to improve the teaching and learning of the English language during natural disasters or health emergencies. The objective was to determine the use of the WhatsApp application as a technological tool in the English teaching-learning process during national emergencies. He adopted a quantitative approach. The level of research was descriptive and explanatory. The techniques used were a survey of teachers and a knowledge test of students to evaluate results. When evaluating the students on what level of knowledge they achieved during the proposed exercise, the data indicated that 10% did not reach the required learning, but they are close to achieving the required learning 20%, mastered the required learning by 50% or 20% achieve the required learning. When evaluating the use of the WhatsApp application during natural disasters or health emergencies in students, it is evident that when an emergency occurs, face-to-face classes are interrupted, which produces a delay in the teaching-learning process in students.


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How to Cite

Rivera-Mendoza, K. J., & Alcivar-Calderon, V. E. (2024). Using the Whatsapp application as a technological tool to improve the teaching and learning of the English language during natural disasters or health emergencies. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Culture, 10(5), 119–127.



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