Dynamic equivalence assessment of Japanese comic (manga) “garasu no kamen” into Indonesian language translation “topeng kaca” (the glass mask)

Using “combined model” assessment method



  • Eli Ningsih Lecturer of Japanese Department, Pasim University, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia
  • - Emzir Chairman of Coordinator of Applied Linguistics Study Program (S3-LT), Jakarta State University, Indonesia
  • Rahayu Surtiati Hidayat Lecturer of Postgraduate, Applied Linguistics Study Program (S3-LT), Jakarta State University, Indonesia


Manga, Assessment, Translation, Dynamic Equivalence


The research is aimed at having a deep understanding about the dynamic equivalence of Japanese comics (manga) “Garasu no Kamen” translated into the Indonesian language “Topeng Kaca” (The Glass Mask).  This is a qualitative-content analysis research about the dynamic equivalence of translation assessment by using a method of translation assessment that we called “Combined Model” at each unit of translations such as (1) in the unit of semantic and lexical micro-level, which includes mainly  morphemes, words; (2) in the unit of phrases, and different kinds of multi-word expressions; (3) in the unit of syntactic and textual macro-level are being assessed; The text samples from the Manga “Garasu no Kamen” and its translation in Indonesian language “Topeng Kaca” (The Glass Mask) comics series volume no.1,3,6 are quoted in the analysis for each level of dynamic equivalence. The result of the study showed that there is three level of Dynamic Equivalence (D-E), those are D-E Adequate, D-E Less adequate, and D-E misleading. The findings are applicable and will be a valuable reference for translation studies in the country particularly in the level of a university student in order to be able to make a good quality of comics translation from Japanese into the Indonesian language.


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How to Cite

Ningsih, E., Emzir, .-., & Hidayat, R. S. (2018). Dynamic equivalence assessment of Japanese comic (manga) “garasu no kamen” into Indonesian language translation “topeng kaca” (the glass mask): Using “combined model” assessment method. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Culture, 4(4), 53–68. https://doi.org/10.21744/ijllc.v4n4.263



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