Young Hindu generation behavior in Denpasar city

Hindu ethical perspective



Hindu, Young Hindu, Hindu Generation, Hindu Ethical Perspective


Young Hindu generation in Denpasar city experienced the challenges a fairly hard period. They were dealing directly with behaviors that considered to be ethically deviant in Hinduism. In fact, so far they got an education related to religion and ethics both formal and informal schools. However, the religious texts were not linear for social texts. This was evidenced occurred the large number of Hindu young generations who commit deviant acts unlike consuming drugs, liquor, and gambling. The present study was intended to discuss a deviant behavior in accordance with Hinduism doctrine.


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How to Cite

Arniati, I. A. K. (2018). Young Hindu generation behavior in Denpasar city: Hindu ethical perspective. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Culture, 4(4), 76–85.



Research Articles